Coronation Street

13 huge Coronation Street spoilers for next week

What's next on the cobbles?

Coronation Street spoilers (May 6 to 10)

Next week on Coronation Street, Maria’s world falls apart as Liam suffers an overdose and she discovers that Gary is keeping secrets from her.

Elsewhere, evil Nathan makes his return to Weatherfield, and Alya prepares to say her goodbyes for a while.

Here’s our full guide to 13 big moments coming up.

1. Liam collapses

Liam spends time with Joseph at Paul and Billy’s flat. While searching through the cupboard for sweets, Liam finds Paul’s secret stash of Benzo pills and secretly pockets them.

When Liam returns home later, Gary isn’t in the flat. Gary has got himself caught up with comforting his ex-girlfriend Sarah, who’s still struggling after losing Damon from her life.

Liam is secretly struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. His feelings overwhelm him while alone in the flat, so he takes the pills.

Billy finds Paul’s stash missing from the flat and questions Joseph, who mentions that Liam was looking through the cupboards earlier. Billy panics, but it’s too late as Liam is already unconscious after overdosing.

2. Maria makes a discovery

maria connor, coronation street


After Liam’s scare, Maria explains the situation to Billy and Paul by revealing that her vulnerable son has been struggling with his mental health.

Maria heads back home and finds Gary and Sarah together in the flat. Both are looking shifty as they feel guilty over Gary not being there for Liam when he was spending time with Sarah instead.

Maria wants to know what Gary and Sarah are hiding from her, so she secretly places a camera on the side before heading out again.

Once alone, Gary hugs Sarah and they agree that it’s time to start keeping their distance again following their recent near-misses with Maria. They’re unaware that Maria is secretly watching via the spycam.

3. Gary’s marriage lies in tatters

maria connor, gary windass, coronation street


Gary hopes for a reconciliation with Maria after she confronts him for keeping secrets from her. Maria refuses to engage with him, making it very clear that a reunion isn’t on the cards.

Later, Maria confides in Kirk over how much she’s struggling with the Liam situation. She harshly berates herself as the worst mum in the world.

4. Dee-Dee delivers more bad news

dee dee bailey, coronation street


Dee-Dee is hopeful for a breakthrough in the Lauren case after Roy asked her to seek some answers over the missing teen’s expensive necklace and her mystery boyfriend.

Sadly, Dee-Dee is forced to break the news to Roy that the police have had no luck tracing Lauren’s necklace or her mystery man. This means that Roy remains the top suspect in the case.

5. Nicky continues to help Daniel

daniel osbourne, nicky, deana, coronation street


Daniel confides in Ken about his plans to meet up with Nicky again, hoping that she may have news to share about Lauren after doing some digging. Ken warns Daniel to be careful after his previous meeting with Nicky only caused him further problems.

Nicky later announces plans to meet a girl called Ellie, who was groomed as a teenager and may have links to Lauren.

6. Bethany spots Nathan

embargoed until 28th april 9pm bethany platt attends the reconstruction of lauren's last known movements


The police reconstruction into Lauren’s last known movements takes place. A crowd of onlookers gathers to watch and Bethany is horrified when she thinks she can see Nathan among them.

Bethany later shares her fears with Daniel, but he reassures her that Nathan is still in prison and it must have been her mind playing tricks on her.

7. Bethany confronts Nathan

embargoed until 28th april 9pm bethany platt and nathan curtis


Bethany proves her suspicions by pausing a video of the police reconstruction and zooming in to show Daniel that Nathan really was there.

When Bethany seeks answers down at the police station, she’s told that Nathan was released months ago and now works on a building site close to the precinct.

Bethany and Daniel team up to track Nathan down. Bethany accuses Nathan of murdering Lauren, but can she convince the police to investigate this theory?

8. Alya prepares to leave

alya nazir, adam barlow, coronation street


Alya complains to Adam that her new job has turned sour after her boss Rich caught them kissing when they were supposed to be busy working together.

Adam steps in and takes the blame for the “misunderstanding”, so Rich tells Alya that she can still have the lucrative work placement in Dublin.

Adam later springs a thoughtful gift on Alya by giving her an expensive law book and wishing her well on her new adventure.

Yasmeen notices how close the pair are getting – will Alya be able to bring herself to leave just as romance is blossoming?

9. Bernie accuses Denny of stealing

bernie winter, coronation street


Bernie is alarmed when she spots Denny pushing Paul’s wheelchair close to their son’s flat.

Denny claims to be taking it away for a service, but Bernie suspects that he’s stealing it and vows to call the police.

10. Bernie starts to behave strangely

bernie winter, coronation street


Paul and his loved ones step up their fundraising efforts amid fears that the MND support group will lose its venue.

The family comes together for an all-night karaokethon at the Rovers Return. Everyone praises Bernie for her hard work on the project, but she’s struggling with a guilty secret.

Things come to a head when Bernie makes an emotional apology to Gemma for being a “rubbish mum”. Will Gemma find out why Bernie is feeling so troubled?

11. Glenda makes a shocking discovery

glenda shuttleworth, sean tully, coronation street


Glenda hopes to buy the Little Big Shotz business from Estelle. She considers making the purchase on credit and paying Estelle back in instalments, but George throws a spanner in the works by telling Estelle that she wouldn’t be able to afford the repayments.

Glenda bemoans George’s act of betrayal, so Todd gets the wrong end of the stick and mentions Archie’s secret will, which had Glenda listed as a secret beneficiary. Glenda demands to know what Todd is talking about and he kicks himself for messing up.

12. Glenda threatens to sue

glenda shuttleworth, coronation street


Glenda seeks legal advice from Adam as she wants to claim half of the undertakers’ business, believing that she’s entitled to it after hearing about the will. Adam warns that the legal fight would be costly and there’s no guarantee that she’d win.

Changing tactics, Glenda puts the funeral business up for sale without consulting George. George is flabbergasted when he receives a visit from Rupert – his Rest Easy rival – who’s interested in making an offer.

13. Toyah thinks the worst of Leanne

leanne, toyah battersby, coronation street


Nick tells Toyah that £200 has gone missing from the joint account that he shares with Leanne.

Toyah points out that Leanne is likely to have given the money to The Institute amid Rowan’s ongoing manipulation.

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