Coronation Street’s Bobby Crawford takes drastic action to save Roy Cropper
BOBBY is determined to find Lauren even though the police think they've got their man
CORONATION Street’s Bobby Crawford has taken desperate action to find Lauren Bolton after the police charged Roy Cropper with her murder.
The salesman – who is played by actor Jack Carroll in the ITV soap – made the decision to lie to police, fearing that Lauren was still being held captive by the real kidnapper.

Realising Roy was in desperate need of a hail Mary to be freed, Bobby made a shock decision and went to the police station.
Speaking to DS Swain, Bobby lied and insisted he was surprised by a man in a balaclava in Lauren’s flat the night he discovered she was missing.
Swain didn’t appear to believe him but she took his statement and Bobby went home.
“It took longer than expected at the police station,” Bobby told Carla after he walked in.
“I gave them a lead. I told them I saw someone at Lauren’s flat the night the night she disappeared.
“I gave a vague enough but detailed enough description of him. I just hope I wasn’t wildly out.”
Carla was horrified that he lied – but there was worse to come.
“We don’t know she’s dead,” he insisted.
“The police should be out there. I told them I tried to keep it a secret, but I came home and you could see I was upset and if anything had happened.
“I can tell you the date and time I said I spoke to you.”
Carla was utterly stunned that he had forced her hand into lying to the police for him.
But he told her: “You want to see Roy free, don’t you? And catch whoever did this. Then back me to the police.
“Do you want to see me locked up for making a false statement? No. Then lie for Roy’s sake and Lauren’s.”
Will Carla lie for Bobby? Or will it just make things worse for Roy?