Coronation Street star terrified of fan reaction to Lauren Bolton’s ‘messed up’ killer Joel Deering
Coronation Street has finally revealed Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) killer, and it is safe to say that it was a huge shock!
In recent scenes, it was finally confirmed that Joel Deering (Calum Lill) was responsible for her disappearance, having killed her in a brutal attack several months ago.
Ever since Lauren went missing, fans have been desperate to know what really happened to her, and who was behind her sudden disappearance.
While many people were suspicious of Joel from the outset, the revelation that he had a wife and daughter that he hadn’t told Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) about seemed to explain that away.
‘I think as many people as it’s thrown off the scent I think it’s made other viewers believe that they can’t trust him as he’s already hurt our beloved Dee-Dee,’ actor Calum Lill reflected.
‘It was really useful in having a back story and background for him so I can understand how he thinks and how he ticks and his moral compass on that whole situation.’
Unlike viewers, Calum has known for a really long time what Joel was capable of, and admits that it is a relief not to have to keep the secret anymore.

‘I’m terrified but it’s also a relief. I’ve known this for over a year. It was last May that I got sent the breakdown for Joel saying that he was a charming character who’s got a dark side. When I got the screen test they said, “Okay, this is what Joel is going to be doing”. I thought, “Oh my goodness, like this is a really terrible person. And I’ve got to hide in plain sight for a year.”‘
‘It has been difficult – even my family don’t know, they will have found out at the same time as the viewers. I don’t think they were suspicious as they probably didn’t think I could play an evil character like Joel.

‘I was having Sunday dinner with my family a couple of weeks ago, and they were all talking about their own theories of who they think it is. And every one of them has got a different one and not one of them thinks it is Joel. They have not been suspicious of me at all. They were aware that some people were suspicious online but believed me!’
As far as what the future holds for Joel, Calum explained that his main goal is to make sure Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) takes the blame for the murder.
‘I think he’s trying to work out how many loose ends there could be and how to deal with them.
‘Obviously as a defence solicitor he knows how to play the game and knows that there is reasonable doubt and that he needs to cancel out anything that could be tied down to him.
‘But you know, this is new territory for him. He might have been in a situation before where he’s broken the law and not treated people very nicely. But this is new and I think he feels real concern.
‘He has to make it stick on Nathan so no one ever suspects it could be Joel.’