Asha Alahan trapped with two dangerous men as she tries to help Nina Lucas in Coronation Street
Aadi goes missing leaving Asha to meet with the men alone
ASHA Alahan will see herself trapped with two dangerous men after finding herself in an uncomfortable scenario on Coronation Street.
As the campaign againstĀ ‘murderer Roy’ heats up, the residents begin to rally around the cafe owner as trolls take hold.

In a shocking twist of events, three sleuths kidnap and capture Roy’s beloved pet pooch, Freddie, and hold him for ransom.
In order for his safe arrival, they demand thatĀ Roy confesses to the murder of LaurenĀ and take responsibility once and for all.
Amidst the chaos of what to do for the best, Asha manages to track down the online troll and dognappers – Trueman67 and Banditman.
Asha agrees to meet the people behind the troll accounts as she asks twin Aadi to accompany her.
Despite this, Amy Barlow discovers her guest on her newĀ radioĀ series has pulled out and she recruits Aadi to take their place.
Because of this, it turns him into a no-show.
Completely unaware, Asha is by the precinct waiting to meet and unmask the men but becomes concerned about Aadi’s whereabouts.
She leaves him a number of phone calls and decides to flee and return home when he fails to arrive.
However, just as she is about to leave, TrueMan67 and Banditman reveal themselves to Asha.
They then begin to ask her a series of awkward questions as they appear to want to scare Asha.
Is Asha in danger?
And how will Aadi react when he realises his twin has gone it alone?