Coronation Street: 5 reasons Debbie Webster ‘death’ is the worst decision
Debbie Webster’s reported exit from Coronation Street has caused quite a stir amongst soap fans who don’t want her death to happen.
It’s expected that Debbie will die at some point next year after she’s diagnosed with dementia.
Here are five huge reasons why Debbie’s ‘death’ is the worst decision and why the soap should perform a U-turn immediately.

Coronation Street Debbie death: 1. Too much tragedy for the family
The Websters are being hit with difficult times at all angles at the moment.
Kevin’s just about to find out that he’s got testicular cancer. This would cause great worry for anybody, but the Websters also have Abi’s hallucinations thrown into the mix.
Abi’s grief over Seb has resurfaced and has caused her mental health to decline. Social services are soon about to be involved as Abi fears that her son Alfie will be taken away from her.
And now, the soap is reportedly planning on giving Debbie a dementia storyline. It seems that everything is being thrown at one family and they don’t deserve any more heartbreak right now.

2. She’s provides great comedy
There’s no doubt about it that Sue Devaney can pull off any storyline whether that be an emotional and serious one or a light-hearted one. But in between major storylines, Debbie gives us some great laughs.
She’s always providing us with comedic moments and some chuckle-worthy one liners that have us cracking up. Debbie can insert herself into any scene with any character and provide some comedic relief that just fits so well into the situation. In between all of the serious stuff, comedic moments from characters like Debbie are much appreciated.

3. She’s a legend who doesn’t deserve the axe
With there being reports of ‘budget cuts’ over at ITV from The Sun, it makes sense that the soap might want to limit its cast a little bit.
But, Debbie is a classic and iconic Corrie character who will be greatly missed when she goes. Whilst she may not be used as much as she could be, she doesn’t deserve to go. She has 40 years of Corrie history behind her…
It feels like there’s so much more for the character to give and it’s a shame that the outcome of her big storyline will be her reported ‘death.’

4. Debbie and Ronnie’s relationship
Debbie and Ronnie really work as a pairing and bounce off each other really well. They have the potential to be a really powerful duo if given more screen-time.
We reckon they deserve some happiness because let’s face it, both of their families have had a right ordeal recently. We’re sure Debbie’s dementia storyline will really show how strong their relationship is but we aren’t ready to see Ronnie get his heartbroken in the end.

Coronation Street Debbie death: 5. Debbie is Corrie
Debbie Webster is everything we love about Corrie. She’s the perfect balance of comedy and drama. Corrie summed up is Debbie.
She gives nostalgia with a modern twist. She’s legendary, and her love for the Chariot Square upholstery has us in stitches (no pun intended.)
Corrie will be left with a huge Debbie Webster shaped hole in it when she goes. It’s not too late to retcon her upcoming ‘death,’ please!