Coronation Street

Coronation Street confirms devastating baby news for character in early ITVX release

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This article contains spoilers for tonight’s Coronation Street, which has not yet aired on TV but is available to watch now on ITVX.

Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) was given heartbreaking news in recent Coronation Street scenes, after being caught up in a near-fatal hit and run.

The barmaid was mowed down in the car accident that David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) had orchestrated to take his own life, leaving her loved ones terrified.

Earlier this week, an ultrasound revealed that the baby still had a heartbeat, though Daisy wasn’t entirely convinced that everything was okay.

While Daisy was in surgery, doctors informed Daniel that they were concerned, after discovering a bleed between Daisy’s uterus and placenta.

They told him that they believed the baby may have died, and Daisy would have to have another ultrasound to be sure.

As Daniel relayed the information to Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews), he insisted that they shouldn’t tell Daisy until the following day, to prevent her worrying overnight.

In tonight’s episode, Daniel informed Daisy that the doctors wanted her to have another scan, explaining the bleed they had found.

Though Daisy was initially hesitant, insisting that the previous ultrasound had proved everything was fine, she agreed to the scan.

David Platt pushes Daisy Midgeley out of the way as a car approaches them in Coronation Street
Daisy was knocked down in a hit and run (Picture: ITV)

Tragically, it was discovered that Daisy had indeed suffered a placental abruption, and her baby had died.

Poor Daisy was completely devastated as she took the necessary pills, and was clearly in shock over the whole ordeal.

However, when Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) suggested that they would now be able to move on with their lives, Daisy was horrified, insisting that she would never be able to forget her baby.

In total shock, Daisy accused Daniel of being glad that her baby had died, which left him devastated.


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