Coronation Street

Coronation Street legend hospitalised after collapse horror as Lauren twist confirmed

Roy Cropper collapses and is taken to hospital next week as the Coronation Street legend tries to remember exactly what happened in the moment leading up to Lauren Bolton's disappearance

Roy Cropper is rushed to hospital in upcoming Coronation Street scenes.

When he calls the cafe hoping to speak to Nina Lucas (Mollie Galalgher), Shona Platt (Julia Goulding) passes the phone to Carla Barlow (Alison King) and Carla hangs up, making out it was a dodgy line and hurries out.

In his prison cell, Roy (David Neilson) has another flashback of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) approaching the cafe counter with Max Turner (Paddy Beaver), but can’t work out what’s significant about their conversation.

When a prison officer bangs on the door, a frustrated Roy loses his chain of thought. In the factory, Bobby Crawford (Jack Carroll) tells Carla that he reckons Roy must have kept quiet about the false statement or the police would have come knocking by now.

Nina Lucas in Corrie
Nina Lucas goes to visit Roy Cropper in prison but there’s no sign of the Coronation Street favourite

In the visiting room, Nina explains to the prison officer that she’s waiting for Roy and as the officer lets himself into his cell and finds him collapsed on the floor. Later in the week, Mary Taylor (Patti Clare) visits a desolate Roy in hospital.

When Roy reveals that he keeps trying to remember the details of a conversation he overheard between Max and Lauren as he feels sure it’s of significance, Mary urges him not to give up as it’ll come to him eventually.

Roy Cropper
Roy is found collapsed on his cell floor (Image: ITV)

When Nina reveals that the police are going to film a reconstruction in the café of Lauren’s last known movements, Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) offers to mention it on her radio show to raise awareness.

Roy calls Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) from prison and tells her about Lauren’s necklace and how if they can trace where it’s from, they might be able to trace her mystery boyfriend.

Coronation Street's Lauren Bolton and Roy Cropper
Roy is currently being blamed for Lauren Bolton’s disappearance

Lauren has been missing for months and Roy is currently being blamed for her disappearance and alleged murder. After weeks of confusion, will Roy finally be able to prove his innocence?

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