Coronation Street

Coronation Street spoilers: Adam Barlow confesses a dark secret – and he loses everything

A frustrated Adam in the solicitors office in Corrie

Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) has lost absolutely everything in Coronation Street after confessing the truth about his deal with Harvey Gaskell (Will Mellor).

A few months ago, Adam met Harvey in prison and asked him to get rid of Damon Hay (Ciaran Griffiths). The killer agreed but told Adam that in return, he would work on an appeal case surrounding Natasha Blakeman’s murder.

Adam went along with this plan but tonight, his guilt started to get the better of him.

Sarah (Tina O’Brien) arrived at the office to discuss her and Adam’s divorce. During their chat, Sarah told Adam that he’s a good person, which obviously didn’t sit right with him.

Realising he had made a terrible mistake, Adam sent CCTV footage to the police station, which would’ve proved John Perry never murdered Natasha.

He then made his way to Sarah’s flat and left her completely stunned when he said he doesn’t want to get divorced.

Sadly, trying to make things better wasn’t ever going to be as simple as that.

Outside, as Adam and Sarah argued, Bethany (Lucy Fallon) approached and joined the chat.

Suddenly, Adam glanced down the road and spotted a car approaching. He shoved Sarah and Bethany out of the way and within seconds, the car had smacked into Adam and knocked him onto the floor.

Fortunately and somewhat miraculously, Adam only suffered a broken arm and some broken ribs and was soon sat up in a hospital bed.

Sarah watches as Adam is left for dead in Coronation Street
A car smashed into Adam, putting him in hospital (Picture: ITV)

When Sarah entered, she expressed her gratitiude over Adam saving Bethany, and wanted to ‘put things right’ between them.

His guilt growing again, Adam confessed that Sarah, Bethany and young Harry needed to leave town because they’re not safe.

He told his wife that he had been helping Harvey on an appeal case and now, because the case has been dropped, Harvey is searching for revenge.

At first, Sarah was puzzled over Adam helping a murderer, but he then said it was part of a plan to get rid of Damon – and Sarah was disgusted.

Unable to look at him, Sarah walked away, leaving Adam all alone.

So, where does that leave us?

The case has been dropped, Damon is still on the cobbles, and Adam has been left with broken bones and a very bruised ego.

Was it worth it?

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