Coronation Street

Coronation Street spoilers: Devastating suicide plan, Billy’s violent attack, and Rita’s murder bombshell

Coronation Street spoiler picture shows a concerned Carla and Mason bullying Liam

There’s a grim and heartbreaking week ahead in Coronation Street, with episodes set to focus on a tragic decision from broken teenager Liam Connor, leaving his mum Maria (Samia Longchambon) in a panic.

Continuing to endure a cruel campaign of bullying from nasty Mason, Liam can’t see a way out and begins researching ways to take his own life.

When Maria cottons on to what he is planning, she desperately tries to find her suffering son.

Another worried mum is Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson). With Simon Barlow (Alex Bain) facing the consequences of his drinking after the recent crash, his future is looking ropey.

Elsewhere, there’s a big murder bombshell as Rita Tanner (Barbara Knox) and Mary Taylor (Patti Clare) are taken aback.

Monday February 12

As Sam plays chess with Roy before school, he struggles to make a basic move and Roy’s bemused. Meanwhile Simon tells Nick he’s sorry about the car.

Nick assures him it was an accident, but when Kevin lets slip that the car repairs were nothing to do with the brakes, Nick’s suspicions grow. At school Hope finds Sam unconscious on the floor and yells for a teacher.

Sam’s rushed to hospital, where Leanne tells the doctor that Sam was involved in a car accident, forced to admit to Nick that the brakes weren’t at fault, she lied to protect Simon as he’d been drinking and was over the limit when he crashed. Nick reels. Awash with guilt Simon decides to take responsibility.

Bethany assures Daniel that she’ll never do anything to hurt him again and she’ll speak to Daisy about her article.

A tense meeting between Daisy and Bethany in Roy's Rolls, Coronation Street
Tension reaches breaking point between Daisy and Bethany (Picture: ITV)

Bethany persuades Daisy to join her for a coffee in the hope they can bury the hatchet, but when the conversation descends into a row will Bethany be able to fight her corner?

Rita and Mary are taken aback to learn that Bobby is Rob’s son. Feeling the heat, Bobby tells Carla he needs to know all about Tina, the girl his Dad killed. Having found out that his Dad killed Tina in cold blood, not self defence as he’d been led to believe, Bobby’s shocked.

Gary agrees to let Liam spend the day with him at the furniture shop. Summer confides in Billy that she’s been offered a chance to study in America but she knows that now is not the right time, given Paul’s illness.

Tuesday February 13

Despite his back pain, Billy tells Summer he’s determined to make Valentine’s Day special for Paul with a motorbike and sidecar ride. Wincing in pain Billy rides pillion before knocking back the painkillers and heading out to the bistro.

However the mood is ruined when an old schoolmate of Paul’s, and his fellow stags, start behaving raucously.

Billy surprises Paul with a Barbershop Quartet. Paul’s delighted but when Benno heads over and tries to force him to dance, Billy sees red and punches Benno.

As Liam returns to school Mason continues to mock him. Gary reveals that it’s his fault Liam punched Dylan as he urged him to stand up for himself, George’s heart sinks to realise his instincts were right and Liam is the victim.

Mason finds Liam working on his marionette. He grabs it off him and smashes it to smithereens while Dylan films his tears.

When a downbeat Lauren tells Bobby that all the set books she needs to revise for her exam are already out on loan from the library, he hands Evelyn the list of texts, hoping she can track some down at the charity shop.

Sam’s upset to discover Simon’s moved out. Leanne rails at Nick for throwing Simon out and always putting his own son first.

Nick and Leanne speak to a doctor about Sam in hospital in Corrie
Leanne and Nick are thrown into chaos over Simon’s behaviour (Picture: ITV)

When she finds him huddled on a bench in Victoria Garden, Leanne’s horrified to realise he’s been there all night. Simon pours his heart out, telling her that Nick’s right, he’s a waste of space, he drinks too much and is turning into his Dad.

How will Leanne react? When Bethany admits that Chit-Chat refused to pull the article, Daniel’s furious. Bethany says they should keep quiet about the article and hope nobody reads it.

Wednesday February 14

Liam announces to Maria that he’s not going to school anymore. Gary and Maria see Mrs Crawshaw and explain how Liam’s refusing to go to school because he’s being bullied by Mason and Dylan.

Mrs Crawshaw tells them that until they have proof, there’s nothing she can do. Eileen urges Maria to check Liam’s socials as she’ll likely find the evidence she needs there. Maria creates a fake SendPx account and sends Liam a follow request.

As Maria scrolls through the comments on Liam’s account her face becomes ashen. Gary and Maria tell Liam that the only option left is for him to change schools. In his bedroom, Liam googles ways to take his own life.

Charlie Wrenshall as his character Liam Connor, who is sat on a bench in Victoria Garden in Corrie

Bobby hands Lauren a small bunch of flowers. But when a delivery man enters with a huge posh bouquet, an embarrassed Bobby realises he’s got competition.

Lauren thanks Bobby for the flowers, but when her phone rings a gutted Bobby assumes she’s spoken for. Lauren tells the caller to leave her alone.

Amy admires the Valentine’s card that Steve gave Tracy. Steve admits that Tracy didn’t buy him one. At the flower shop Tommy spells out to Tracy that they’re finished. Tracy makes out she couldn’t care less when suddenly Amy appears, demanding to know what’s going on.

Paul urges Summer to accept the American offer as he doesn’t want to hold her back.

Simon admits to Nick, Leanne and Toyah that he’s been drinking too much and he intends to change. Leanne hugs him, but it’s clear Nick doesn’t share her optimism.

When Toyah lets slip that Nick was planning to propose to her, Leanne’s taken aback. Leanne gets down on one knee and proposes to Nick. After recent events will he accept?

Friday February 16

Maria confronts Mason and Dylan and tells them that because of their vile bullying, Liam will have to change schools. Mason’s amused whilst Dylan feels bad. Liam calls at the salon and tells Maria she’s a good Mum and he loves her.  As Liam heads out, he looks at her, aware it could be for the last time.

Maria and Gary are horrified as they find Liam's search history on his computer in Corrie
Maria is distraught by the level of suffering her son is going through (Picture: ITV)

At the school, a teacher shows Mrs Crawshaw the search history on Liam’s returned laptop. As Maria fails to notice a missed call from the school, Gary is called in.

Racing to the salon he breaks the news to Maria that Liam’s been researching ways to take his own life.

Remembering Liam’s earlier words, a horrified Maria rushes back to the flat in a desperate bid to find Liam.

Lauren reads a final demand from her energy company before making a call and spelling out to the person on the other end that she doesn’t need their money and wants nothing more to do with them.

Bobby’s delighted when Lauren accepts his offer of a date. But when Max and Sabrina call at Lauren’s flat to find her sexily dressed, Lauren reluctantly reveals that she makes videos for O-Vidz.

Tracy seductively invites Tommy to join her in the back of the shop, will he be able to resist?

David urges Nick to voice his reservations about their relationship to Leanne. Dee-Dee confides in Alya how she hasn’t heard a word from Joel since they declared their feelings for each other.

Joel calls at the solicitors with flowers and after explaining he’s been busy at work, offers to cook her a romantic dinner.

Gav hands out flyers for his window cleaning services. Steve and Tim agree to give him a try.

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