Coronation Street

Coronation Street star tearfully describes ‘awful’ pain after surgery

Bethany Struggles To Breathe | Coronation Street - YouTube

Coronation Street’s Georgia May Foote has opened up about the experiences she is having after endometriosis surgery.

Endometriosis, according to the NHS, is where cells similar to those in the lining of your uterus grow in other parts of the body.

Symptoms of the condition during your period can include pain when you go to the toilet and period pain so severe, it stops you from doing normal activities.

It currently isn’t known what causes endometriosis, and at the minute there isn’t a treatment that cures it. However, some treatments can help manage pain symptoms.

Chesney speaks to Katy in Corrie
Georgia May Foote began her role as Katy Armstrong in 2010 (Picture: ITV)

You can also have surgery to remove part of your bladder or bowel if impacted by endometriosis. You can also have an operation to remove your womb or ovaries, as well as fluid-filled sacs caused by endometriosis.

For Georgia, who played Katy Armstrong in the ITV soap, she underwent surgery last year following her diagnosis.

Now, however, the star experiences symptoms such as severe bloating that she finds ‘so upsetting’.

Taking to her Instagram Stories, Georgia shared some images of her stomach at points where she’s experiencing a flare up.

Katy speaks to David in the cafe in Corrie
Katy and Chesney have one son together called Joseph (Picture: ITV)

She wrote alongside: ‘Having to deal with this kind of bloating for the last few months has been absolutely awful. I had my endo surgery last year so to still be having this is just so upsetting. Hormones everywhere. Pain. No one understanding. Them trying to give us a tablet that causes early menopause. It’s a joke’.

In the video, the star said: ‘What we have to go through hormonally is just unbelievable. On top of that, we have conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, we have to deal with the bloating and the pain and the absolute fatigue that comes with it.

‘The lack of energy, the mood swings, and we still get up and go to the gym. I’ve really been struggling with it this month.

‘It is endometriosis awareness month and I want to give a shoutout to all you little warriors who are dealing with it on a day-to-day basis. Honestly, it’s not nice, I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.’

Georgia first appeared in Corrie back in 2010 as Katy Armstrong.

She soon began a relationship with Chesney Brown (Sam Aston) and the pair had son Joseph (William Flanagan).

After her exit from the show in 2015, Katy was killed off-screen in a car accident in 2017.

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