Coronation Street

Corrie’s Hayley return ‘sealed’ 10 years after sad death as Roy makes risky decision

Coronation Street icon Hayley Cropper could return to the ITV cobbles more than a decade after her death as Roy becomes the number one suspect in Lauren Bolton's disappearance

Coronation Street favourite Hayley Cropper is set to return to the famous cobbles 10 years after her death, AI claims.

Over the past few weeks, ITV fans have watched her husband Roy Cropper (David Neilson) find himself in a whole world of trouble after he was arrested for his employee Lauren Bolton’s disappearance last month. And things have only got worse, when the business owner shocked residents by turning up to her vigil and giving a questionable speech.

Since then, the café owner has become the number one suspect in her case and has started to receive backlash from residents online. It’s not surprising that Roy has been sleepwalking again following the constant hounding from the police and his customers.

As the loveable favourite begins his fall from grace, Daily Star has quizzed one of the world’s most popular artificially intelligent ‘creative’ tools, Gemini, to see what the future holds for him. And it appears as though Roy could reunite with his late wife through the form of nightmares.

Corrie's Roy Cropper

Hayley, played by Julie Hesmondhalgh, sadly died on the street back in 2014 after she took her own life following her lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer. Since then, her character has never appeared on the show since, but that could be about to change.

The online program told us: “It is possible that Hayley Cropper could return to Coronation Street in Roy’s hallucinations or nightmares. Soap operas are know for featuring fantastical elements, and characters returning from the dead or appearing in dreams is not uncommon.”

Roy’s history of sleepwalking won’t be news to loyal fans of the show, with his long-running health condition resurfacing whenever he faces difficult times in his life. This first started following the death of his parents and most recently returned prior to his big operation last year.

AI believes his late wife Hayley Cropper could return in his nightmare
AI believes Roy’s late wife Hayley Cropper could return in his nightmare (Image: ITV)

The AI system went on to add how the intense scrutiny will negatively affect his mental health, causing increased isolation and loneliness. It went on: “With his reputation tarnished, Roy might isolate himself, fearing judgement from friends and neighbours.

“This loneliness could exacerbate his emotional turmoil. Even if cleared, Roy might feel a heavy sense of responsibility for Lauren’s situation. He might grapple with guilt and grief, especially is her fate remains unknown.”

It comes after Roy discovered the contact details for Lauren’s mum Kerry online. Despite his close friend Evelyn Plummer (Dame Maureen Lipman) warning him not to contact her, the café owner ignored her advice.

Roy Cropper
Will fan favourite Roy be able to clear his name? (Image: ITV)

Fans watched him leave a message to her expressing his dearest sympathies to her over the phone, but will this mistake backfire? Meanwhile, Dee-Dee Bailey has offered to help Roy to clear his name.

However, she admitted that she is worried about how he will be able to afford the legal fees should things go to court. Viewers will have to stay tuned to see whether or not Roy will be able to clear his name and if the truth behind Lauren’s disappearance will be uncovered.

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