Coronation Street

Debbie hides a secret after violent altercation in Coronation Street

Debbie Webster stands alone in the kitchen in Coronation Street

Debbie Webster (Sue Devaney)’s behaviour has started giving cause for concern on Coronation Street recently, as the show begins to drop subtle clues that with eventually lead to the popular character’s diagnosis of dementia.

At the end of last year it was revealed that Debbie will be killed off in a devastating storyline that will be one of the major storylines running throughout this year and beyond.

‘There will not be a dry eye in the house,’ a source told Metro.

‘There is no doubt in the Corrie family that [Sue] will give the performance of a lifetime and make Debbie’s exit one to remember for years.’

Fans had mixed opinions at this news. They welcome the fact that Debbie will finally be front and centre in a major storyline and Sue Devaney will doubtless give an incredible performance, but it’s devastating that this means an inevitable exit for Debbie, who has been a firm favourite since her return in 2019.

The signs of Debbie’s decline are already starting to appear, beginning with Debbie getting angry over some theatre tickets she’d booked, apparently forgetting Ronnie (Vinta Morgan) told her he wouldn’t be able to go.

She also raged at Eileen (Sue Cleaver) when her cab didn’t arrive, but the veteran cab controller told her there was no record of her booking.

Then she got a call from the hotel she owns, informing her there was a problem with the electrics.

Debbie Webster has a row with Mick in the hotel in Coronation Street
Debbie’s upcoming storyline sparked a massive reaction from fans (Picture: ITV)

She enlisted Mick Michaelis (Joe Layton)’s help to sort it out, but he quickly discovered that it was a planned outage which she’d been informed about.

Rather than acknowledging her mistake, Debbie insisted she’d had no such notification and refused to pay Mick for the job.

Ronnie was concerned about her getting into an argument with Mick, who is not the most patient and reasonable of people at the best of times.

In upcoming episodes this argument escalates after Mick invoices Debbie for the £150 she still owes him. She’s still adamant that she won’t pay – and then realises her purse is missing.

Has Mick taken it to help himself to what he’s owed? That’s what Debbie immediately concludes and soon Ronnie is squaring up to Mick, who denies any wrongdoing.

Has Mick really taken the purse? Or is it another lapse in Debbie’s memory?


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