Fiz Stape returns home and kicks out Cassie and Evelyn Plummer in Coronation Street
Tyrone Dobbs is asked to make a difficult choice.
WEATHERFIELD legend Fiz Stape finally returns to the Street next week after spending months in Norwich.
But upon her comeback to Coronation Street, she decides her house is too full for both Evelyn and Cassie. How will Tyrone react?

Serial killer Stephen Reid gave Fiz (played by Jennie McAlpine) an opportunity to evolve in her long career at Underworld last year as he asked her to leave for the Norwich factory.
While the job opportunity was welcome, it also implied she had to leave her whole family behind in Weatherfield, although she was sometimes updated about different events in the cobbles.
During her absence, Fiz’s husband Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) remained at No.9 with their children, his grandmother Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman) and eventually welcomed his long-lost mother, Cassie Plummer (Claire Sweeney).
However, in scenes airing next week on ITV, Evelyn and Cassie agree the home will be overcrowded as Fiz is finally due back home.
Both women suggest the other moves out and a row ensues… just as Fiz and Tyrone arrive home.
Fiz puts an end to the argument as she gently points out to Tyrone that there isn’t room for all of them at No.9.
Unfortunately, she is also counting on Tyrone to intervene and lets him know that he’ll have to choose between his grandmother and his mother.
Later on at No.9, Evelyn and Cassie each try to impress Fiz and Tyrone with their culinary skills.
Tyrone tells Evelyn and Cassie that he doesn’t want either of them to leave and for now, they should carry on as they are.
Meanwhile, Fiz reckons it’s a recipe for disaster but the issue appears to be sorted out in later scenes of the Manchester-based program.
Evelyn finds a solution in the form of Lauren Bolton’s abandoned flat.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t pan out as the teen’s mysterious disappearance is the talk of the cobbles.
But while Tyrone will most probably have to decide what to do, Fiz is determined to impress Carla Connor (Alison King) with some ideas she picked up at the Norfolk factory.
What’s in store for the Corrie couple?
Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.