Lauren’s bacon sandwich offence in Coronation Street is the worst thing we’ve ever seen
This week in Coronation Street, viewers finally learnt more about Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) disappearance and her toxic relationship with Joel Deering (Calum Lill). While the scenes were dramatic, dark and very tense, fans couldn’t help but pick up on a very uncomfortable moment involving Lauren and a bacon sandwich.
Trust us on this…please.
On Monday (July 8), it was confirmed Lauren is actually alive and was never killed by Joel during his attack in February. She had arrived at the hospital to see Roy (David Neilson), who experienced a heart attack.
The next day (July 9), we saw the moment Joel confronted Lauren.
As she headed to make a swift exit, Joel grabbed her and pulled her into a side-room, leaving her frantic that he was going to attempt to finish her off.
Twisted Joel tried to play the nice guy act, attempting to gaslight her that he had only tried to protect her.
Flashbacks showed his unsettling methods of trapping her, stepping up as her lawyer and making promises before handing her money to get her out of her mess.
Lauren had been grateful for his kindness, not accustomed to someone stepping up for her after a life of rejection.
But it soon turned out that he wanted more from her and as he moved in, Lauren felt coerced into entering a toxic sexual relationship with him. It was clear that she didn’t want to sleep with him and things even became violent.
In real-time, Lauren bravely confronted Joel with his sick actions, telling him she was no longer afraid of him and branding him the monster that he is.
What transpired before Lauren went missing was her declaration that they were finished. But when she told him Dee-Dee deserved better, Joel turned and left her for dead.

In the middle of these scenes, we saw what happened before Joel arrived and attacked the young woman. Lauren was seen in her kitchen listening to the radio and making a bacon sandwich – but this sparked a lot of controversy among the Corrie fanbase.
On forum platform Reddit, a variety of audience members couldn’t help express their thoughts on the excessive amount of tomato ketchup Lauren used within her bacon sarnie.
Honestly, it’s criminal!
‘Omfg hahaha I was watching it too like why that much ketchup crazy 😂😂’, one fan on Reddit said.

Despite the utter horror though, this fan backed Lauren’s decision and said: ‘I thought it was brown sauce? Anyway, I have way more brown/ketchup than that, like I’m not even joking.’
Of course, this light-hearted moment didn’t take anything away from the powerful scenes that aired afterwards. This is a storyline about a man preying on young and vulnerable women and for actress Cait Fitton, she felt a lot of pressure to ensure her performance was as authentic as possible.
‘You feel like you’ve got this duty of care to these people who have experienced it, you want it to be good and you want them to be able to look at it and go “wow, how inspiring, our story is out there”. All these issues need to be raised – these girls need justice for what they’ve experienced.’
She reflected: ‘I worked closely with the Maggie Oliver Foundation for this storyline and the foundation is known for working with people, survivors, who have experienced sexual exploitation and abuse.
‘On the website it says that Maggie worked with these survivors to turn pain into power, and I love that, it’s such an empowering quote. I think for Lauren, she has so much trauma – from her background to what’s happened recently – I do hope that in the long run, she can turn that pain into power.’
She added: ‘You might experience something really bad in your life, but it doesn’t define you as a person. I think that’s something I want people to take away from the storyline.