Liam McCheyne reunited with Coronation Street star he last saw when he was 3
Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) has to face the consequences of his actions in upcoming Coronation Street episodes as he has to appear in court in the case against bully Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan), who is charged with threatening Liam Connor (Charlie Wrenshall) with a knife in a public place.
With Mason putting pressure on Dylan to change his story to protect him, he’s really feeling the strain.
‘Dylan is feeling very nervous, which is expected going to court,’ Liam McCheyne told ‘It’s got to the point now that he realises the extent of how far he and Mason have gone which is quite overwhelming. He definitely feels out of his depth.’
With the arrival of Dylan’s mum Violet (Jenny Platt) back in Weatherfield recently, Dylan has family support behind him – even though his parents are finding it very difficult to comprehend what their son has been getting up to.
‘I think Dylan has really needed his mum and dad to parent him together,’ Liam observed.
‘Dylan’s background is a bit different because his mum and dad never have been, and never will be, romantically involved, so he’s never actually seen his mum and dad together as parents. Obviously with this storyline and the court case, it’s important for him to have that family unit.’
Violet has been living in London since she left Weatherfield in 2008, but actress Jenny Platt recently agreed to reprise her role and return to the Street for this storyline. This has meant a reunion with a lot of old friends – and particularly with Liam, who was only three years old when Jenny was last in the show.

‘It was lovely to be reunited with Jenny,’ Liam said, and described their first meeting after all these years.
‘I met her outside my dressing room, I remember walking round the corner and Jenny had her back to me and I said “Hello stranger” and it was just like the 13 years had flown by and I had known her all of that time. I’m so glad Violet had an opportunity to come back because it’s always been in the pipeline, so I’m very happy it was done in the circumstances that it was.’
In real life, Liam has a very supportive family around him, including his twin brother Connor, who shared the role of Dylan with Liam when they were younger, from 2011 to 2012.
‘My mum, dad and brother Connor have all been very supportive through this storyline,’ Liam shared. ‘My dad gives me a bit of grief saying “Stop bullying that kid!” My mum has more of an actor’s head on her, so I ask her to critique my scenes – which are usually facial expressions and if I’m doing too much or if there’s not enough.’
When it comes to being recognised by the public, being a twin can provide some funny moments, Liam revealed.
‘The funnier story is when people think Connor, my twin brother, is Dylan. He’ll get stopped in Manchester on his way to college and won’t have enough time to say it’s not him before someone has a camera asking for a picture.’